It’s time to breakthrough.

1-1 Coaching with George for your mind, body, purpose, relationships and spirituality.







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“George’s films beautifully capture
our deep connection
with nature.”

Tara Brach & Jack Kornfield
Meditation teachers

“George Thompson is brilliant and has proper humility with his youth. He is championing the next generation of consciousness expansion”

Chungliang Al Huang
Founder of Living Tao Foundation
Co-author with Alan Watts of “Tao: The Watercourse Way"

'We may think of joy as something that happens spontaneously. Few people realize that it needs to be cultivated and practiced in order to grow.'
— Thich Nhat Hanh,
Zen Buddhist teacher

Peace, abundance, joy is possible with the right guidance

I started my journey stressed, lost and anxious. I thought I was alone in this pain. I thought I was UNIQUELY messed up for finding life hard.

But as I’ve learnt more about myself I’ve found to hurt is to be human. And finding Tai Chi, meditation, and Daoism, and mentors like Master Gu, I discovered that you and I possess an INCREDIBLE CAPACITY for healing, growth, compassion, peace, balance, and joy.

Millennia-old practices and the support of the right mentor can help you access your innate potential.

Today, I am a communicator of Daoist philosophy and a filmmaker with millions of viewers—including an upcoming Netflix feature.

I am fully in my purpose: to be of service to the flourishing of life, sharing ideas and practices for balanced living.

And now I’m super excited and humbled to invite you to explore whether you are the right person to join my 1-1 transformative coaching program.

I can be your guide, mentor and mirror,
supporting you on your path to true flourishing


Ancient wisdom for harmonious living

Together, we'll explore Daoist teachings tailored to your personal journey. I'll weave in wisdom from Daoist texts and practices that align with your current challenges and goals.


Tap into the power of the breath

Guided by your unique needs, we'll delve into breathwork techniques that help you develop mastery of your nervous system. Learn how to relax on demand, through harnessing the power of your breath.

Qi Gong

Become flexible: physically and mentally

One of our basic needs is to move. In our sessions, I'll personalize Qi Gong movements and breathwork based on your unique needs. As we open up our bodies, we open our minds and raise our energy!


Develop calm clarity.

Meditation is the core practice to help us live with freedom.We'll shape your meditation practice around your inner journey. As we still the mind, we gain clarity as to who we are really. We naturally become more compassionate to ourselves and others.

Tai Chi

Move with freedom and joy

Tai Chi is not just a movement practice it’s a philosophy for life. No matter your fitness or stiffness, experience the transformative power of playful movement.


Personal growth the playful way 💪✨

We can be sincere without being serious. I’ll invite us to be silly together, to smile at the parts of ourselves that we may normally dislike. Be surprised at play’s transformative power.


It’s time to breakthrough into your full potential.

I offer extended packages of coaching, together we will embark on a highly personalized journey that incorporates the rich wisdom of Daoist teachings, movement, meditation and mentorship. Each session is a space for for you to confront your challenges, anxieties, and fears. We will also practice together, giving you the techniques to bring the insights from our sessions into your everyday.

Some of the outcomes you will feel from our work:

  • Breakthroughs: Our sessions will challenge you to break free from self-imposed limitations.
  • Unlock Potential: By aligning your mind, body, and spirit, you'll start unlocking the enormous untapped potential
  • Purpose-Driven Productivity: Have impact in alignment with your deepest values
  • Confidence without arrogance: Finally express who you are with ease
  • Harmonious Discipline: Nurture a disciplined yet flexible approach to life.
  • Build a Strong, Flexible Body: Through ancient healing practices
  • Truly Rest: learn how to balance big action with emptiness and true rest

Each Session Includes

  • Assessment: We'll begin by understanding where you are on your journey—physically, mentally, and spiritually.
  • Guided Practices: Incorporating meditation, breathwork and movement aimed at resolving specific issues you're facing.
  • Wisdom Sharing: Dive into Daoist texts and philosophy, drawing actionable insights to address your real-world challenges.
  • Personal Reflection: Time for you to share your experiences, adjustments, and any revelations that come up during practices.

Your progress won't be limited to our sessions. I will also give you free access to Wayfinder Academy, the home of all my teachings. As well as practice plans, complete with specific exercises and readings, giving you a clear pathway to continue your growth and transformation on your own terms.

I am only working with 2 people - are you one of them?

Between my Netflix film, running the YouTube channel, Tai Chi academy, my writing and my own practice, I am only taking on 4 people to work intimately with. That way every session I will give you my full energy so you get HUGE value every time.

If you think you should be one of those people, I welcome you to apply now.

I offer a FREE 30min discovery call to see if we are a good match.

There will be a wait list very soon so secure your place now!


Monthly Breakthrough
Coaching Package

  • 🫶 2x 60 minute calls per month
  • 📹 Recordings available
  • 🧘‍♂️ Personalised Sessions - geared to you, your needs, your concerns, your questions
  • ☯️ Guided practice
  • 💪 Free access to Wayfinder Academy (Worth $597)

Investment = $497 per month

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Testimonial Video


Apply to Work 1-1 with George 

(Just 2 places left!)

If you've got any questions, don't hesitate to reach out at [email protected]